Friday, March 1, 2013

Florida Trip.....Relatively Speaking, Day Four

Before leaving John and Sharron's we enjoyed a great breakfast at the Soup to Nuts Diner which was made over in the Television show Restaurant Impossible. Once again I busted my diet!

Around two hours later we were at Denny and Jane's house in Clermont, FL where they move to after selling their Pensacola home. They were still in the throws of moving in. We again sat around and reminisced old times, all the while being entertained by their dog Daisey.

Around 5 p.m. we drove over the Denny and Jane's daughter Terry's house where Babs and I were introduced to Terry's new daughter Brooklyn who is adorable! Denny and Jane's daughter Jennifer was also there and cooked us all a great burger meal. We all sat around and told tales until around 9:30, well past my bedtime before leaving.

Back at Denny's, Babs, Denny, and Jane continued to reminisce and I went to bed.

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