Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ireland Road Trip, Day 9, September 30, 2013

This morning the order of the day seemed to be rain. After a good breakfast and saying good bye to our pet snail, we bid a fond farewell the the Ballynahinch Castle and headed east to Carlingford to our next B & B.

Fish & eggs
My last traditional Irish breakfast   
 The drive was mostly through rolling hills or flat pasture land. Going through villages along the way it was evident that some of the Irish had problems with their government also. These posters ask to vote in favor of abolishing their equivalent of our Senate.

In Ireland super markets were far and few between, with most shopping done in smaller specialty stores. This butcher shop was part of the gas station where we fueled up.

When we drove past this place, I thought that it was a building like that in the television series Downton Abbey. It turned out to be a hospital.

So, I lied. This is the last photo of a ruin.

In addition to hedge rows, stone fences like these are all over the country side.

After about four hours of driving we reached our B&B. We were there around around 2 p.m. and check-in was at 4 p.m. Our host was very kind and let us check in early.

Our room

It was still to early for dinner so we decided to go into Carlingford and walk around. Babs wanted some tee shirts for the boys, Luca, and Vita but had no luck finding a tourist trap. The town was a typical Irish town with old buildings and buildings in painted in vivid colors.

Wall around old square
Ba' dupe-ah-dupe
Perfectly sculptured bushes

And you thought that there was no such thing. We met a real Leprechaun whisperer
We ate dinner at a place called PJ's Pub. I had beef & oyster pie, Jim & Joan both that hamburgers, Katy & Jason had beef pie, and Babs had fish soup & calamari. All were very good.

After dinner we returned to our B & B for an early be turn in. Our flight leaves tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. and we are just over an hour from Dublin. We will leave the B & B tomorrow at around 7 a.m. which means getting up around 5:30 a.m.

Babs Says: Ireland impression; love the friendly people, green grass, sheep, and ruins. Did not like; blood pudding, no top sheets, no AC or fan,and one spigot sinks.

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