Monday, February 25, 2013

Florida.Trip... Relatively Speaking, Day Two

In case the Blog Post Title is confusing, this Florida trip is to visit our Florida relatives. When traveling down I-95 the rule is: Pass the Jameson Inn of Wilson, NC, do not spend $56! The mattress was comfortable but the good qualities stop there. Take our word for it!

Our day started out dry but cloudy and changed to steady hard rain about half way to Savannah, GA. Other than the drive was painted with the same monotonous scenery, nothing was new to report. We arrived in Savannah around 3:45 p.m. and checked into our hotel, The Mulberry Inn, which is a very up-scale Holiday Inn.  Our room is spacious and well decorated.

After checking into our room, we opted to take a Sightseeing Trolley Tour. Bad idea, trolly tours and rain don't go together. The fourth stop, of sixteen, of the tour was our hotel. We got off there.

We had dinner at The Old Pink House restaurant, which turned out to be an expensive, but good choice.


 Babs had blackened oysters for an appetizer. and scored fried flounder as an entree.  Both were delicious.

I had shrimp & grits with country ham sauce as an appetizer, and twin fried lobster tails with garlic and country ham mashed potatoes, and baby Lima beans as an entree. Mine was okay but not award winning by any means.. For desert we shared an iceberg lettuce wedge which again was okay.

Tomorrow, we continue south to my cousin John' and his wife Sharron, in Eustis, FL.

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