After breakfast at McDonalds in Sturgis, SD we headed for the Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Before arriving at the town of Wounded Knee, we passed through the interesting town of Scenic, South Dakota
and a section of the Badlands National Park.
The signs marking the burial site from the highway were removed and not replaced so we stopped at the post office to ask directions. The post office building had no windows and was reminiscent of a WW2 bunker.
At the Wounded Knee National Historic Site is where the massacre of innocent Indians occurred, in retaliation of Sitting Bulls massacre of the 7th Calvary, June 25th of the same year. On December 29, 1890, the US Army commanded by Col. Forsyte massacred Chief Bigfoot and approximately 370 men, women, and children of the Dakota Sioux. Their mass grave and cemetery is a National Historic Site.
Zoom in on the above photo and read the inscription on the crosses.
The only survivor of the massacre a female child of seven months, Lost Bird, was also buried there upon her death in 1919.
Leaving Wounded Knee we headed south toward O’Neill, Nebraska to visit another National Scenic River. Along the way we had a great lunch at the Sand CafĂ© in Martin, Nebraska.Both southern South Dakota and northern central Nebraska have a whole lot of nothing. This scenery is representative of the entire ride after Wounded Knee.
There are more cows than people.
Tonight we are at the Holiday Inn Express at O’Neill, Nebraska. We had dinner at an Irish restaurant that had no Irish food. We both had Walleye fish that was fantastic.
When we leave O’Neill tomorrow we will be heading toward Beatrice, Nebraska in search of yet another park and stamp for Babs National Park passport book.
Babs Says: Good Night!
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