Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 26, In Seattle with Katy & Jason

Day 26 was a beautiful day. I got up early and got the oil changed in “Abe” and got him a well deserved wash. We couldn’t check in early so Babs and I took a ride to North Cascades National Park where we saw some elk
and beautiful scenery along the way.
As far as animals goes that only leaves Bullwinkle the moose, left for us to see.

We are staying at a 4 star hotel, Vintage Park, which is located in the heart of Seattle, Washington. When we checked in Katy and Jason were checking out a beer garden but came by to see us later. They were in rare form!
We had dinner at Elliott’s Oyster Bar Restaurant, which is right on the water.
The food was exceptional. Jason and I had halibut,
Katy King Salmon,
and Babs Fried oysters.
Babs, Katy, and I shared a selection of raw oysters that were okay but not great for the price. After dinner we were all pretty full.
After a short walk on the strip,
we headed back to the hotel.

Tomorrow we all head for Olympic National Park.

Babs Says: Katy and Jason just got in bed and raised the mattress-don’t ask.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 25, Back in the USA!

Day 25 was a GREAT day! The day started out overcast and ended up sunny. The drive from Prince George, BC to Bellingham, WA took us about nine hours of driving time and 45 minutes waiting to get to the customs officer. We could have taken the interstate route but Babs likes the rural “round Robin hood’s” barn routes. Canada Route 1 is a winding scenic route that takes you through several tunnels through mountains.
You follow rivers
and do see some spectacular scenery
and long trains.
 I even managed not to meet any of our friends the "Royal Canadian Mounted Police" because I mostly stayed within the posted speed limit. I can't remember the last time I did that!
Tonight we are at a Best Western motel which is very nice. Tomorrow the GMC “, Abe” Babs calls it, will get an oil change and multiple car washes. We will then meet our daughter Katy & her husband Jason later for dinner.
Tonight we ate at a great Mexican restaurant
but I will probably be paying for it the rest of the night!

Babs Says: So happy to be back in the USA! With all our problems, it is still the best place to live.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 24, Farewell Wilderness

Day 24 found us leaving the wilderness. All I can say is, what a way to go. The first part of our drive down BC 37 was filled in a drizzle with clouds obscuring the mountains but slowly the sun began shine. British Columbia has some of the most spectacular scenery that we have seen. The mountains in the northern part of the province are snow capped wonders much like the Tetons of Yellowstone.
We took a side trip to an Alaskan ghost town down BC 37A. This route was suggested to us by a couple that we met from Minnesota. The route should be called the bears,
and glaciers highway.
We saw one glacier, Avalanche Glacier that came right up to the road.
When we got to the Alaskan ghost town of Hyder we never found the Grizzly bears my buddy Tommy told me we would see there.
I think that was because the salmon had not yet begun their run.

The last three hours of our eleven hour day was driven in rain which sometimes was a deluge. I was glad to see Prince George and the end of the rain. Thankfully it didn't really begin to rain until we had passed into the less scenic leg of today's drive.

Tonight we are at a Best Western in Prince George, BC. Tomorrow we head toward Seattle, WA to meet my daughter Katy and her husband Jason on Monday.

Babs Says: Grizzly bears are so much fun to watch. They seem to look at you and then put on a little show. Black bears are scareier. They look so cute and cuddly, but look at you as if they are contemplating their next meal.
Breakfast today was so good-King’s Muffins-poached eggs (NRWS), ham, tomato, cheese on English muffins. Yum!
Looking forward to being back in the USA and seeing Katy & Jason in Seattle.

Day 23, Watson Lake, YT to Bell 2 Lodge, and easy drive.

Day 23 started out sunny, and then overcast. The scenery from Watson Lake to Bell 2, the lodge where we are staying tonight would probably been beautiful if it were not for the clouds. About forty miles the forest was totally burned for almost as far as you could see. We did see two black bears and a fox on our drive today. The first black bear and fox were too camera shy but the second black bear stood still long enough for a photo.
Babs did take these few pictures of the scenery.
We also stopped at the Princess Jade Mine where they mine jade and ship it overseas to be made into items that they sell for “an arm and a leg” in their shop.
About half way here we came upon two camper units that were stopping traffic in both directions trying to find someone with a global phone. A biker riding a BMW motorcycle struck a black bear while the biker was doing about 50 mph. They had found the biker and his bike in the middle of the road. The biker was conscious but in bad shape. He had been on the ground about an hour when we came by. Some folks who are next door to us said the helicopter was just leaving the accident scene when they had gotten there. That meant that the guy lay on side of the road for about five hours! I pray that he survives!
There are the most mosquitoes here than in any place that we have been. There are even 40 or so in our room! I am amazed but the “OFF” brand incense type of mosquito repellant coil than smolders actually keeps the room mosquitoes away!

Tomorrow we head for Prince George, BC. The one negative thing that I can say about our trip is that we (I) did a poor job of researching travel times between stops. We have never been pressed for time and have consistently had to stop earlier than planned because we miss judged the travel times and had reservations.

Babs Says: Now does anyone ever wonder why I am so paranoid about people I care about riding motorcycles? It was a horrible thing to come upon.
You know it is chilly when your room has a wood burning stove,
fire wood,
kindling and matches. I needed a jacket all day.