Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 14, Just another rainy day!

Day 14 leaves very little to write about. Today was another rainy day! It rained off and on all day, sometimes hard and with hail. Fortunately this portion of our trip in 2009 was blessed with beautiful weather and yielded wonderful sights. Today scenery was veiled in clouds. We never saw the tops of mountains.
The highlight of the drive was lunch at Denali Dogs, the same hot dog joint Jim & Joan Carneal, Frank & Kitty spadaro, and us had luch at two years ago!
I thought that you might like to see what it is like outside at 12:10 a.m. on a cloud covered night.
And you ask why it is hard to sleep?
Tomorrow we work our way down to the seaside town of Homer.

Babs Says: We ate at a Golden Coral tonight - a Haiku
Brussel Sprouts, cabbage,
Ate my veggies for a week,
Kale, corn, okra, beans

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